Qualiment® is a network of research laboratories and a technical center that supports food and ingredients companies and equipment manufacturers in the development of their innovations. The Qualiment® network has received the Carnot label, awarded by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. This label is a recognition of the excellence of its members from a scientific point of view and in their partnership relationship with companies. To reinforce this guarantee of partnership excellence, Qualiment® has obtained ISO 9001 certification for its contract appraisal process.
Led by INRAE, the Qualiment® network is also structured with Institut Agro Rennes-Angers AgroParisTech, Insitut Agro Dijon, CNRS, CRNH, CTCPA, Oniris, SATT SAYENS, the University of Clermont Auvergne, the University of Avignon and the University of Bourgogne.